My Top 3 Predictions for 2023... and What They Mean for Your People Strategy

As I reflect on 2022, and think about the challenges and opportunities our clients have faced this year, I keep coming back to one thing: despite all of the changes that have taken place around workplace norms and practices, particularly since the pandemic, a strong #PeopleStrategy equals a strong organization. Period.

What does that mean for 2023? How can organizations and teams plan to thrive, when the business environment still seems so volatile and uncertain? While we can’t predict the future, I have a few very confident ideas about what the new year will bring. Read on to learn more about what to expect in 2023… and how you can position your people strategy to Grow Leaders, Build Teams, and Drive Results in the new year.

Prediction #1

Big questions around organizational culture and practices aren’t going away. Don’t sweep these issues under the rug — be responsive to questions and conversation around some of these major workplace shifts:

  1. Issues around work/life balance and burnout.

  2. Figuring out the limits, benefits, and “how to” of remote work.

  3. Attracting, retaining, and investing in top talent and high-quality teams.

  4. Building a company culture that prioritizes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

Prediction #2

Great companies will need to be HEADS UP - this is no time to be caught “paws up.”

We know that the big questions above are going to continue to impact your people strategy in 2023. Being “heads up” means leaning into tough conversations and being open to change or innovation in these areas. It’s understanding where your people are at on these issues, so you can effectively manage a responsive, relevant, and impactful people strategy. Here’s how:

  • Be intentional about spreading and maintaining your company culture among in-office, hybrid, and remote employees.

  • Continue to invest in a top-performing company culture, by investing in people and emerging leaders at all levels.

  • Pay special attention to early-career employees. Top performing companies are leading the way in investing in their early-career people. This is especially important as employees move jobs more frequently, and early career professionals are promoted into senior roles sooner.

  • Lead by listening. Practice active listening with your people, and listen to what’s happening throughout your organization by diving into your data.

  • Work at getting better and faster at recruitment, including onboarding new employees. When you are exceptional at onboarding new talent, people feel more welcome in their roles, teams, and organization — and they can begin to add value even faster.

Prediction #3

We’ve got way more work to do.

Bottom line, many of our organizational and team structures (including our policies, processes, and workplace norms) are too slow, unresponsive, and ineffective for today’s dynamic business environment… particularly when it comes to the employer/employee relationship. This is why I continue to emphasize that investing in people, culture, and teams isn’t a trend — it’s a long term strategy for building an organization that has the ability to successfully respond to major shifts and new opportunities.

My colleagues and I are here to help you unlock your organizations’ and teams’ potential in 2023, and beyond. Let’s talk about your biggest upcoming challenges and opportunities, and work to build a thriving people strategy for the new year. You can always contact me directly here!

Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to grow leaders, build teams and drive results through great people strategy. Contact us to get proactive about expanding your company’s potential, and stay up-to-date with our latest news and leadership development updates here.


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